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2024 Social Work Lobby Day - 3/5/24


Wow, look what else is happening during the Kentucky Social Work Lobby Day 3.5.24!  We are thrilled to announce the below information, shared with us by the amazing Elizabeth Trebelhorn, MSW, happening before our Rally in the Rotunda.  So many great things to look forward to doing when you come to Frankfort on Tuesday, March 5, 2024 to celebrate!

Please utilize QR code below to register and also access the SWLD tool-kits.  If you are unable to access the QR code, please email brosen.naswky@socialworkers.or and we will email you the larger tool-kit.  Please find the new mini tool-kit in Advocacy tools. If you are coming as a school group, please reach out to me with the number of students and faculty that will be attending.
Parking is tough, so we encourage you to car pool, get their early, and/or use off-street parking if the deck and visitor lot is full.  PLEASE BRING YOUR ID WITH YOU TO GAIN ENTRANCE INTO THE ANNEX AND CAPITOL.  We will be registering voters during the 10:30 Day of Empathy Rally in the Rotunda, and will continue to register voters throughout our lobby day.  The Day of Empathy rally is also one you can attend and will find very rewarding.